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Rogues Gallery

Numpty of the Week

Club Programme


The People Behind It All

Who's Who...

Club Committee 2004-05:

Club President: Alan Lewis

Chairman: Helen Knight

Vice Chairman: Matt Pryce

Secretary: Sarah Deacon

Treasurer: Phil Woodward

Programme Secretary: Laura Bates

Sports Secretary: Becky Harwood

Press Officer: Tom Chapman

All club officers can be contacted via our email address:


County Committee Reps:

Activities Committee: Neil Lewis (Chair), Helen Knight

Executive Committee: James Chapman, Pete Harris, Neil Lewis  Helen Knight and Matt Pryce

F&O Committee: James Chapman, Helen Knight 

Rally Committee: Matt Pryce, James Chapman, Helen Knight

Advisory Committee:

Malcolm Chapman, Sue Chapman, Rose & David Grindall, Nigel Frizwell, Jo Holt, Neil & Alison Fletcher, David Woodward


Click on the Wolvey Cow below to visit the Nation Federation of Young Farmers Clubs website!

For Further Information...

To join us, either send us an email or further details or you can also contact our County Organiser, Mike Allton at the Warwickshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs on 024 7669 6588, and mention that you are interested in joining Wolvey YFC.

Any post can be sent to us at the following address:

Wolvey YFC

c/o Warwickshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs

YFC Building

10th Street

Stoneleigh Park

Kenilworth, Warwickshire